Including the closely related terms consultation, and public consultation.
… the Country Park and around the top grassed areas to the rear of Phoenix house. Consideration of biodiversity and green space management as this might be a source of offsetting; Future opens spaces to include increased planted areas (as opposed to recreational grass space). 7 Consultation 7.1 No public consultation has been undertaken in relation to the proposals set out to date, though…
… 2020 to 2024: Protect our climate and enhance our rural, natural environment. Relevant Ward Member(s): Date of consultation with Ward Member(s): Choose date Exempt Information: No Key Decision: No Subject to call-in: No Not key decision 1 Summary 1.1 Melton Borough Council set up the Climate Emergency Policy Development Group in July 2019 to develop an Action Plan for consideration…
… become a priority in the 2020-2024 Corporate Priorities following consultation towards their overall formulation. 8 Next Steps – Implementation and Communication 8.1 The recommended proposals will be presented to the Council meeting on 8th April 2020. 9 Financial Implications 9.1 No budget has been assigned to this work and it is not known what the expected overall spend will be. This should…