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Search results for "public consultation"

Including the closely related term consultation.

1 result

Maidstone Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… opportunities for addressing climate change and enhancing biodiversity. 11 Theme 1 - Transport Our aim for transport: To support the shift from cars to active and mass transport and enable the transformation from fossil fuels to no tailpipe emissions. The Government’s consultation Decarbonising Transport; Setting the Challenge, published…

… and infuence that will have the most impact on biodiversity and addressing climate change. We understand that some measures, including decarbonising the electricity supply and controlling the sale of vehicles powered by petrol or diesel, will come from Government policy, and we will take consultation opportunities to infuence Government policy as well as being directed by it. We will use expertise from…

… with some people and hope that we have explained why it is essential and urgent for us to take these steps to address climate change and biodiversity loss. This strategy is organised into nine themes. These are areas that were raised in our 2020 Residents’ Survey on Biodiversity and Climate Change, in the consultative event with land managers in March 2020, and areas where we believe the Council…

… could have an impact. Each begins with our aim, briefy describes relevant national policy, outlines any local data and highlights any points from the consultative actions. It identifes some of the actions to be taken with more detail given in the action plan. The action plan is a living document and we expect changes in policy, technology and national climate change funding to present further…

… in March 2020, shows the need for public transport and active travel to become our natural frst choice, for vehicles to have no tailpipe emissions and for placed based solutions that meet the needs of local people. The Council will take part in consultations to help shape the Governments Transport Decarbonisation Plan and ensure that Maidstone residents beneft from it. The Government launched Gear…


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