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Including the closely related term consultation.

1 result

Wealden District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… in order to lower emissions, as briefly summarised in Appendix A. However, it was acknowledged that further work was required to understand the steps that need to be taken to achieve the new decarbonisation target. Consultants were therefore engaged to provide a better understanding of current (and projected future) emissions and identify further actions to reduce carbon emissions. The consultants

consultants has highlighted that there is considerable uncertainty in the trajectory to 2050 and that the significant challenges of achieving a net-zero target will require concerted effort on a national and regional level. Some of these factors are largely outside of the Council’s direct control, relying on shifts in technologies, consumer behaviour and national policy interventions. Indeed…

… influence to help drive forward some of these changes, including submitting a response to the current HMCLG Future Homes Standard consultation and highlighting (in a letter to the Transport Secretary) the need for dedicated off-street electric vehicle infrastructure funding. Along with direct control of its own operations, the Council can therefore exert its influence both nationally and locally…

… National Influence; lobbying central government to bring forward policy and release funding. Measures 17.Based on the current and projected emissions modelling (and the known interventions required nationally), a number of areas of action have been identified in the consultants’ report at Appendix B (pages 40-62). These are grouped into topic areas as follows: a. General actions b. Grid…

…) or through investment in renewable technologies. Suggested Prioritised Actions: 23.The consultants have provided a long list of potential actions to be initiated in the short, medium and longer term. Not all actions can be undertaken within the first few years and all have cost implications to the Council. Furthermore, in some instances, actions will require amendment to reflect prevailing…


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