Including the closely related terms public consultation, and consultation.
… as the basis for a public consultation with a final report back to Council 2. To take the delivery of this Council’s Climate and Ecological Emergency commitments into account in setting the Medium Term Financial Plan, with a view to additional financial support being added to the Climate Change Reserve (£120k) and Salix Fund (£120k) 3. Continue commitment to participate in the Global Covenant…
… selected to achieve the Council emission reduction target by 2030 and actions to help achieve the area-wide target pre- 2050. Council is requested to confirm support for the draft Action Plan (Recommendation 1), on the understanding that this will then form the basis of a number of public consultations during 2020 and used as the starting point for further work by the Climate Action Members…
…; Ecological Emergency Action Plan presented with this report will require substantial revenue and capital funding, much of which is currently not identified. However, this report requests that Council approves the draft Action Plan for onward public consultation. It is to be understood that many of the individual projects contained within it will require appropriate consideration, consultation…
…, Christchurch and Poole, which will involve lifestyle changes for us all. This draft Action Plan will be open for public consultation so that all members of the community can comment on the proposals. The actions we propose to make the Council carbon neutral by 2030 include reducing the need for our staff to travel, making our buildings very energy efficient, generating more power from renewable…
… to ‘tackle the climate change emergency’. The draft action plan should be seen as a summary of options to achieve carbon neutrality, since the detail will need to be consulted on with residents and stakeholders in order for it to be finalised. Recommendations It is RECOMMENDED that Council supports the following course of action: 1. Endorse the draft Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan…