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Including the closely related term consultation.

1 result

Stevenage Borough Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1: Our Extensive Local Consultation Feedback .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Friends of the Earth (FOE) Assessment of Stevenage’s Climate Change Emergency Response…

… - - ’ - - ’ - - - SSSeeeccctttiiiooonnn 111::: TTThhheee VVViiisssiiiooonnn fffooorrr CCChhhaaannngggeeeSection 1: The Vision for Change In using the evidence base as a foundation, discussing with interest and stakeholder groups, then having widespread consultation, Stevenage Borough Council has coproduced a Climate Change Strategy and outlined an Action Plan. In doing this, The Council have followed these approaches: How…

… and prioritised as much as economic growth. To maximise engagement, The Council strived to use an array of traditional consultation as well as lots of online methods, including a digital Facebook engagement campaign which received over 1,400 responses. Further to this, a cross party Member Working Groups has been established as well as cross county coloration groups to maximise engagement and our…

…::: EEEnnngggaaagggeeemmmeeennnttt 222...111::: OOOuuurrr EEExxxttteeennnsssiiivvveee LLLooocccaaalll CCCooonnnsssuuullltttaaatttiiiooonnn FFFeeeeeedddbbbaaaccckkk Section 2: Engagement 2.1: Our Extensive Local Consultation Feedback Following the climate emergency declaration, The Council has been working to understand what action can be taken to not only reduce the carbon outputs of its assets and activity, but also…

… Cavendish Road Electricity Daneshill House Gas Cavendish Road Gas Total (Electricity & Gas) Electricity (Daneshill House & Cavendish Road) Further to this data, The Council has been working with CLS Energy ltd who is an energy consultancy to produce a baseline carbon footprint. CLS energy use the international protocol, the relevant ISO standards, and the government’s annually…


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