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Search results for "public consultation"

Including the closely related term consultation.

1 result

Manchester City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Manchester Combined Authority, Transport for Greater Manchester, development of the Our Manchester Industrial Strategy, consultation on the Manchester Local Plan, and with partners on specific projects such as Triangulum, with the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and Siemens UK. ● Clearly embedding Climate Change into the next Capital Strategy for the city so…

… in January 2020 as a follow up to the event in July 2019 (see summary in Appendix 3). ● Written to the Greater Manchester Pension Fund to request that they divest from investing in fossil fuels. ● Provided a formal response to the Government’s Future Homes Standards consultation and supplemented this with a letter to the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government from…

… and commission expert consultancy to validate existing views about the pathway to zero carbon heat, inform business case development and procurement specifications. ● Agree the Manchester Build Standard / Standards to be used going forward and embed within decision making processes which include consideration of Net Present Value and Asset Management Plan; Whole Life Costing, Internal Carbon Costing…


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