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Search results for "public consultation"

Including the closely related term consultation.

1 result

London Borough of Camden

Direct link to citizens' assembly (PDF)

… energy efficient improvements to existing buildings  33      ACTIONS  1. Pool of contractors?  2. Who pays? (linked to 4 & 8)  3. Enforcement?  4. Number / amount of improvements?  5. Types of interventions?  6. Sites / homes to treat?  7. Scope potential £ available (linked to 1, 5, 6 & 7)  8. Consultation / permission RESPONSIBILITY  4 ● Council: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7  ● Local residents…

… experience for horticultural college students  ● (-) drivers? Leaves bird poo etc. on park cars  ● (-) hayfever sufferers → bring in expert advice for which trees are most suitable  TIMESCALES  ● one year (to include consultation)  41                                                The Involve Foundation  18 Victoria Park Square  London  E2 9PF  020 3745 4334   info…


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