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Including 6 closely related terms such as consultation response, consultation responses, and public consultation.

1 result

Three Rivers District Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

…, sustainable and inclusive. Following extensive public consultation, this Climate Emergency and Sustainability Strategy outlines how the Council aims to deliver and facilitate the changes needed to tackle the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity decline in the District while enabling greener, healthier lifestyles and a thriving local economy, in collaboration with local residents, businesses…

… and reported on. The Strategy Consultation: The Council was eager to ensure that residents, voluntary and business stakeholders in the local community were empowered to contribute to the Climate Change Strategy, and therefore undertook a month-long public consultation on the Strategy document in October 2020. An online survey was circulated on the Council’s website and social media, among local…

… emissions by 2045 at the latest, in order to increase our chances of limiting global warming to the crucial 1.5ºC threshold outlined in the 2015 Paris Agreement. • The consultation responses highlighted that the original Strategy document did not sufficiently address the issue of climate adaptation. We have therefore revised the Strategy to include an additional section dedicated to ‘Adaptation…

… degradation, giving the Council a clear mandate for immediate and decisive action. How the Consultation Influenced the Final Strategy: • To reflect the collective sense of urgency among residents who passionately appealed for district-wide decarbonisation to be achieved well before 2050, the Strategy has been amended to adopt the more ambitious target of achieving net-zero for the District’s…

… and Resilience’ and information on the likely impacts of climate change in Three Rivers. • Our consultation revealed a popular interest in food production and consumption and its relationship to climate change and wider ecological issues such as biodiversity loss, in acknowledgement of this, we have added in a new section to the Strategy titled ‘Food and Agriculture’. • In response…


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