Including the closely related terms public consultation, and consultation.
…) ................................................................................................................... 263 Appendix 5: Lincolnshire UK BAP species ............................................................ 264 Appendix 6: Public consultation ............................................................................. 269 **A list of acronyms and a glossary can be found at the back of the BAP on pages 238 and 240** Lincolnshire Biodiversity Action Plan c/o…
… disaggregate monitoring to understand the full effect of conservation delivery. But perhaps most importantly, through the public consultation and the Partner input to this edition, this BAP represents the accumulated efforts of hundreds of individuals and their desire to see the state of biodiversity in the historic county of Lincolnshire improved. The progress sections in each of the action plans…
… Partnership and the overwhelming response from the public consultation show that the BAP is needed and wanted. The track record of the Lincolnshire BAP Partnership‟s delivery demonstrates that it is entirely necessary for a better future for Lincolnshire‟s biodiversity. We all must look forward to 2020, with a sense of achievement relating to past gains and a sense of determination to achieve future…