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Search results for "public consultation"

Including 4 closely related terms such as consultation process, public consultation, and consultation.

1 result

Basildon Borough Council

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… - homes-in-the-right-places-consultation-proposals - Paragraphs 56 to 87 3 A revised (draft) version of NPPF was published on the 5 March - revised-national-planning-policy-framework…


… England, housebuilders and utilities providers) 10.6 The LPAs are hoping to establish a JSP web site under the auspices of ASELA to provide a ‘one stop’ access point to effectively inform and engage with all interested parties and stakeholders of the purpose of the JSP, its progress and opportunities for influencing the plans contents as part of the public consultation process. 11…

…) be required to prepare a ‘Statement of Common Ground’ (SCG) to help manage strategic planning matters across local authority areas and strengthen the Duty to Cooperate1. Further details of this proposal were set out in the consultation document, published in September 20172 and are now formally included in the draft revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and National Planning Policy…

…/government/consultations/draft-revised-national-planning-policy-framework 3 1.4 The SCG will be agreed and signed by all seven partner authorities by the end of July 2018, initiating the formal process for preparing the JSP. At this point, individual LPAs will update their Local Development Schemes (LDS) to reflect the new portfolio approach to plan-making across the sub-region. 2…


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