Including the closely related terms procurement decisions, and procurement process.
… to ensure social value benefits are delivered through the procurement process (e.g. local food purchasing) • Providing information to enable Council departments to take environmental factors into consideration when making purchasing and procurement decisions 3b. Maximise the use of existing resources, minimise waste and achieve high levels of re-use and recycling This should include: • Campaigns…
… of industrial by-products, waste and heat.24 At a local level we can work to encourage and support the development of the circular economy approach across all sectors. We need to be aware of the full environmental implications of our purchasing and procurement decisions, and how resources are used, re-used and recycled. The Council can lead by example on this issue and already has a policy in place…
… to phase out single use materials by 202525, aswell as a Social Value Policy which seeks to ‘embed practical and effective commissioning for social value in every aspect of its procurement, commencing at the pre-procurement stage’. Under the ‘green and sustainable’ theme of this policy we aim to “commit to protecting the environment, minimising waste and energy consumption and using other…
… in native species b) Help to improve air quality by reducing harmful emissions c) Take action to improve water quality and reduce local demand for water Aim 3: Use all resources efficiently and minimise waste Objectives: a) Ensure sustainable purchasing and procurement of goods and services b) Maximise the use of existing resources, minimise waste and achieve high levels of re-use…
… resources. Objectives 3a. Ensure sustainable purchasing and procurement of goods and services This should include: • Phasing out single use materials including plastics, in line with the Council’s existing Single Use Materials Policy (2020) • Seek to achieve positive outcomes for the environment through application of the Council’s Social Value Policy • Continuing to work with NEPO…