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Search results for "procurement"

1 result

New Forest District Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… and procurement % substitution annually as and when Tech is available Nature, Health, Economic Ongoing CI Increase number of electric vehicle charge points in car parks to help reduce emissions. By end of 2021, 29 fast chargers were installed. Environmental Enforcement and Amenities Number of charge points installed Aim for at least 10 more double chargers by 31/12/22 Economic 2019 C, I…

… Maintenance Equipment to Battery Power Grounds and Street scene Annual audit of equipment and procurement specs. % Equipment replaced annually with final target 100% Nature and Health Jan-21 C I Install 50 Air Source Heat Pumps (ASHPs) in rural off-gas Council-owned properties Housing Installation of 50 ASHPs. Project managed through to end of August with procured contractor…


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