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Search results for "procurement"

Including the closely related terms procurement policy, and own procurement.

1 result

London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… of sustainable school meals. - 2023 Health; Food poverty; Environmental health C1.3 Lead the way on sustainable food in the council’s own procurement, events and premises. - 2022 Health; Environmental health; Cost savings C1.4 Develop and implement projects with residents, markets, and food businesses to improve community access to sustainable, healthy food, such as the Nourish Hub…

… F3.1 Assess the current and future portfolio of goods and services commissioned for carbon emissions (building and vehicle related) setting out the priority categories and contracts for action. 2022 - F3.2 Evolve our procurement policy and management framework (including standard T&Cs and minimum standards) so that it is consistent with our ambition zero emissions and associated policy…

… emissions across the portfolio. 2022 - F3.5 Align the forward plan for contract review and re-procurement and wider commissioning strategies with the climate strategy programme. 2022 - F3.6 Organisational development and training for key lead officers in commissioning and procurement on low carbon procurement policy. Ongoing as the plan develops - Theme 4: Commercial, innovation…

… economy O2.5 Launch the H&F Climate Alliance and use as a platform to set a zero- carbon pledge, share knowledge of best practice, procurement and increase collaboration. 2022 Green economy Energy Theme 1: Energy management Objective: 1. Reduce total and peak energy demand in the borough Actions Ref Action By when Wider benefits EN1.1 Provide detailed information…

… to integrate solar PV panel installations 2021-24 Energy security EN2.4 Continue to work with London boroughs to develop joint investment in clean energy for London Ongoing Energy security EN2.5 Initiate and develop community energy schemes Ongoing Energy security EN2.6 Continue with journey of procuring 100% renewable electricity energy across all Council operations. 2021 EN2.7 Encourage…


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