Including the closely related term procurement strategy.
… quality scoring criteria has been updated to include carbon reduction criteria, providing examples of relevant awarded contracts direct Head of Finance Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Assets Deliver staff training on the Procurement Strategy which includes understanding of carbon reduction objectives and criterion WOW6 Narrative with quantitative elements Percentage of staff who…
… implications of projects and proposals WOW3 Narrative Update on the content of the toolkit and examples of projects and proposal that have used learning from the toolkit for the climate implications section of reports strategic Head of Policy and Programmes Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Transformation Develop and implement measures for monitoring procurement contracts based on carbon…
… emissions and climate action WOW4 Narrative Update on monitoring of procurement contracts based on carbon emissions and climate action, providing examples of relevant contracts strategic Head of Finance Cabinet Member for Finance and Corporate Assets Update the contract evaluation quality scoring procedure to include carbon reduction criteria WOW5 Narrative Report on how the contract evaluation…
… completed the procurement training quarterly / report on how the training has impacted procurement contracts, providing relevant examples strategic Head of Finance Cabinet Member for Corporate Services and Transformation Conduct a review of all report writing templates, adding a climate implications section where missing WOW7 Narrative with quantitative elements Percentage of report writing…