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Search results for "procurement"

Including the closely related term procurement process.

1 result

Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… 22 HBPCL Continue to reduce the Council’s vehicle emissions Deliver the Council’s Green Fleet Strategy and Action Plan and implement the green procurement process to lease ultra-low emission vehicles and introduce a travel hierarchy with active travel at the core of it. + + + CC 100% electric and/or hybrid for less than 7,5 tonnes vehicles by 2021 (where technology…

… the Council’s policies to reduce local emissions.  Increase take-up of less polluting vehicles.  Lead by example by reducing the Council’s fleet of vehicles and procuring a greener fleet. 5. Objectives RBKC Air Quality and Climate Change Action Plan 2016–2021 10 | P a g e Focus area Objectives Business and community  Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the borough (homes…


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