Including the closely related terms procurement activities, procurement practices, and sustainable procurement.
… emissions, generating benefits for society and the economy and minimising damage to the environment. However, action in this area at the local level is limited as it is dependent on effective statutory provisions, policies and guidance at the national level to support the Council (and other Public Bodies) in implementing sustainable procurement practices. With this in mind, the Council will adhere…
… to existing Scottish Government guidance, legislation and procurement practices such as the Scottish Sustainable Procurement Action Plan, Sustainable Procurement Guidance and the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014. Where feasible and cost effective, the Council will make efforts to go beyond this and drive further sustainability benefits from procurement practices. • Develop Sustainability…
… and Vulnerability 9 Strategic Environmental Assessment 10 4 Themes and Actions 12 Actions 12 Overarching Actions 13 Energy, Water & Assets 14 Housing 15 Waste & Circular Economy 16 Sustainable Travel 17 Sustainable Procurement 18 Biodiversity, Greenspace & Landscape 19 Climate Impacts, Risk & Adaptation 20 Schools & Education 21 Communities & Health 22 5…
… tCO2e Interim target by 2030/31 Interim target by 2040/41 by 2045/46CA RB ON N EUTRAL CARBON NEUTRA L Climate Impacts, Risk & Adaptation Schools & Education Communities & Health Biodiversity, Landscape & Greenspace Sustainable Procurement Sustainable Travel Energy & Water & Assets Waste & Circular EconomyHousing Overarching Actions THEMES CLIMATE CHANGE…
… and schools. • For procurement activities under £50k, ensure no single-use plastics (SUP) items are purchased or used within Council schools and buildings, and where feasible, purchase more sustainable alternatives or adapt behaviours to reduce the need for these options. • All WDC staffed sites to include waste segregation facilities at source (where feasible), encouraging staff towards recycling…