Including the closely related terms procurement process, and current procurement.
… | Procurement Project owner UDC Initiative Review the procurement process including Scope 3 (which are essentially indirectly created emissions) and social value Cost From existing resources. The indicator of success is A supply chain with low carbon impact and high social value. First milestone Current procurement process to be assessed against highest benchmark standards…
…. Follow-on work Procurement process to be reviewed/amended if/where necessary Risk: Risk of not meeting milestones: very low Mitigation: projects to be regularly monitored to ensure that they are progressing in a timely manner. Action 09 | March 2022 | Governance | UDC energy use Project owner UDC Initiative Review energy use footprint of our fuel. Cost From internal…
… charging .......................................................... 12 Action 07 | March 2022 | Transport emissions | Pollution awareness .............................................. 13 Action 08 | March 2022 | Governance | Procurement .................................................................... 13 Action 09 | March 2022 | Governance | UDC energy use…
… resources The indicator of success is Council reduces own energy use year on year to net zero position First milestone Partly already achieved: UDC is on a green energy tariff. Continual review of energy use and opportunities for energy use reduction, within the context of future working practices. Decarbonisation plan in procurement. Follow-on work Depending on results of UMF…