Including the closely related terms procurement strategy, and procurement policies.
… in to specifications, are given weight in evaluations and are managed throughout the life of the contract Review the Procurement Strategy, Procurement Code of Practice and other operational procedures relating to procurement to ensure that social value and in particular climate change are considered in procurement processes and are given significant weight in the evaluation of tenders Apr-21…
…, depots, vehicles and equipment TBC TBC 3.3 Review procurement policies and practices to ensure climate change mitigation and adaptation are incorporated in to specifications, are given weight in evaluations and are managed throughout the life of the contract Nil Nil 4 C o u n ci l Fi n an ce N/A 4.1 We will review the funds in which the Councils' hold their cash to divest from all…
… new or converted electric or hydrogen vehicles; supporting the development of necessary infrastructure for alternative fuels Nov-21 2029 PDCC; Environment and Operations TBC Funding source to be agreed once costs of proposals established 3.3 Review procurement policies and practices to ensure climate change mitigation and adaptation are incorporated…
… of Assets £20,000 (assuming 5 points required) [£] CAF Procure an EV Charger Installer, either as South Warwickshire or in line with WCC 01/10/202 1 31/03/202 2 Sustainable Transport Travel Officer Nil Any procurement and subsequent installation needs to be in-line with WCC ULEV Strategy Ensure that wherever feasible, vehicles are switched to EV when current leases…
… foot or public transport where this can be achieved efficiently and without impacting on service quality Consider the procurement of a similar South Warwickshire Active Travel initiative across South Warwickshire beyond 2022 Summer 2022 Potentially on-going Sustainable Transport Travel Officer Nil Will need to understand the success of present contract with Better…