Including the closely related term sustainable procurement.
… the following steps: · Monitor, calculate, and report our annual scope 1, 2 & 3 carbon emissions · Reduce our scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions to zero through improved energy efficiency of our built environment, divestment from fossil fuel energy sources, and offset of unavoidable emissions · Reduce our scope 3 CO2 emissions through sustainable procurement · Encourage sustainable modes of transport…
… to reduce our scope 3 CO2 emissions through sustainable procurement and offsetting. · Workstream 5: Natural Environment and Biodiversity - Protect and improve the quality of the natural environment and biodiversity across the district including addressing flood risk and planning for sustainable development through the new Local Plan. · Workstream 6: Influencing Others in the District - Work…
… considerations into procurement using the Sustainable Procurement Toolkit developed jointly by the Y&NY LEP, local authorities and their procurement leads. · How the impact on climate change can be considered in Council reports, for example through use of climate change impact assessments to influence key decision making · How our Scope 3 emissions can be reduced or offset through our key contractual…
…:[footnoteRef:12] [12: Subject to assessing deliverability before local government reorganisation is implemented in 2023] · Move away from fossil fuel energy sources – procure all electricity for the Councils other buildings from a renewables tariff · Carry out energy audits of all built assets to understand existing building fabric, services, and energy use and include this information in the new asset…
… deliverability before local government reorganisation is implemented in 2023] · Purchase recycled products in supply chain (procurement) 4. Implementing Monitoring and Reporting To ensure that progress is made, and emissions are reduced year on year, we will monitor progress through our performance software, Pentana, by creating new KPI’s and context indicators, which will be included in quarterly reports…