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Search results for "procurement"

Including the closely related terms procurement process, and procurement processes.

1 result

Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to progress report (PDF)

… considerations as part of the Council’s social value policy, exploring how the policy can be used to incentivise climate change commitments and CO2 reductions within tender processes. Integrating emission considerations within procurement processes requires raising the profile of this agenda - services managing their contracts must be aware of the strategic importance of emissions…

… for this workstream are once again being considered, including: procuring learning material through external consultants and collaboration with the University of Sheffield. Monitor and report CO2 emissions publicly, improving data capture processes – especially for energy generation – and making data publicly available. Technical challenges to collecting data. Implement energy awareness training…

… with supply chain development and subsequent cost- reduction, which may present an opportunity for the Council to mitigate costs. Develop a “road map” to zero carbon for council housing which considers short, medium and longer term actions. This will be achieved using Parity software, which has been procured to baseline Council-owned housing stock and develop a roadmap for investment through HRA…

…. The Council will continue to play an active role regionally and nationally to promote the climate agenda. Influencing regional and national strategic approach towards decarbonisation offers benefits for action at a local level. Procurement • Development of approach to Social Value, the framework of which provides a basis to further integrate emissions into procurement. Develop emission…

… and the implications on procurement. Priority area Key progress 2020/21 Key actions 2021/22 Challenges / opportunities Communications • Initial engagement with partners to raise awareness of the climate emergency declaration and associated actions and to begin to generate ideas for joint activity. Develop climate emergency communications plan to facilitate the participation and involvement of residents…


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