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London Borough of Bromley

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…)  Waste (Civic Centre)  Water (LBB estate)  Paper (Civic Centre)  Procured services 3.11 The Council’s net zero target will apply to all those emissions that it directly controls, namely, all scope 1 and 2 emissions, plus scope 3 emissions for business travel, water and paper usage, office waste and electricity (transmission & distribution). 3.12 The Council does not directly…

… control scope 3 emissions arising from staff commuting and procured services, which are therefore excluded from our net zero scope of emissions. 3.13 However, LBB’s forthcoming annual CMP3 report will provide greater detail on all organisational emissions, along with procured services and borough-wide emissions, and other projects. 3.14 The Council’s net zero profile emissions for 2018/19 totalled…

… 2. Call-in: Not Applicable ________________________________________________________________________________ Procurement 1. Summary of Procurement Implications: None ________________________________________________________________________________ Customer Impact 1. Estimated number of users/beneficiaries (current and projected): This action plan will not only benefit…

… with LBB’s Energy Manager to identify and install energy efficiency measures and smart technology across Bromley Council’s estate by targeting the most energy intensive buildings with the highest consumption. 3 Renewable Energy Procure 100% renewable electricity and gas. 4 Council Fleet Switch to an electric vehicle fleet. Offset Residual Emissions 5 Solar Farms This initiative would help…

… profile emissions, whilst gas emissions accounts for 36%. Procuring 100% renewable energy therefore offers the most impactful opportunity for carbon reduction – a potential 96% reduction – by allowing LBB to discount all their energy emissions. Approximately 25-30% of the national grid’s electricity comes from renewables (not to be confused with zero-carbon electricity that includes nuclear…


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