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East Hertfordshire District Council

Direct link to action plan (XLSX)

… outcomes in MTFP from 2020/21 budget onwards COMPLETE - Now standard element of council's budget planning. ü ü ü ü ü 1.1.5 Amend the council’s procurement regulations to explicitly include consideration of carbon footprint (a) the determination of whether to procure (b) the specification for good and/or services to be procured and (c) the quality assessment of competing tenders. COMPLETE - Contract…

… and relevance. COMPLETE - Our Contract Procedure Rules now ensure that procurement is conducted in a sustainable manner, taking environmental impact into account. The guidelines ask consideration of: do you really need it, can you specify a product service or works that is inherently more sustainable and that evaluation of the sustainability of the delivery of the goods works or service is undertaken. ü ü…

… at Link Road has been investigated and is feasible and confirmation on future configuration of the site is being sought. ü ü 1.6.5 BELL STREET - Install e-chargers appropriate to demand identified during audit. COMPLETE - 2 chargers have now been installed. ü ü 1.7 Investigate opportunities for use of 100% renewable energy for council estate - ü 1.7.1 Investigate/procure 100% low-carbon…

…, so is a positive move. The intention once further contract renegotiation is possible is to look to move to 100% renewable. ü 1.7.2 Investigate potential opportunity to procure 100% low carbon gas Green Gas is gas from lower fossil fuels, i.e. waste biogas. It currently has limited availability in the UK. Evaluate again in 2022 ü 1.7.3 Install LEDs at all external lamp columns on Council's own…

…. East Herts has seen the first successful, fully electric taxi procured on a trial lease scheme through the ERDF funding support. ü ü ü 2.7.2 Review and update taxi vehicle policies to further strengthen incentives/requirements for low emission taxis Currently being investigated by HCCSP transport group. ü ü ü 2.8 Work to utilise regulatory powers to facilitate improved domestic energy efficiency…


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