Including the closely related term procurement process.
… Conduct a climate change risk assessment on existing contracts Procurement Risk assessment completed Minimal knowledge, needs feasibility Capacity issues March 2023 Resources P2 Review the current criteria for carbon in the procurement process, including reviewing of the weighting assigned to carbon Procurement Review completed Recommendations produced Minimal…
… a significant opportunity and responsibility to influence our supply chain. Through our procurement process, we can motivate beyond our corporate boundary. Overall objective: We use our purchasing power and influence to deliver climate change benefits SHORT-TERM ACTIONS (1-3 YEARS) Actions Owner Measure of success Status Funding/Resources available 2021/22 2022/23 2023/24 Portfolio P1…
… knowledge, needs feasibility Capacity issues March 2023 Resources P3 Review the current criteria and encourage school transport drivers to switch off engines when stationary and move to electric vehicles Procurement Review completed Recommendations produced Minimal knowledge, needs feasibility Capacity issues March 2024 Resources P4 Review contract management…
… Democratic Services Ensure climate change recommendations are incorporated on renewal Some knowledge of opportunity, has potential to deliver Potential capacity issues March 2023 Resources 26 This document was classified as: OFFICIAL PROCUREMENT Each year, we spend approximately £120 million in the private and voluntary sector. This spend presents…
… knowledge, needs feasibility Potential capacity issues March 2022 Resources Fi6 Explore legal and practically of building in environmental goals into relevant procurement and if not achieved supplier to pay a climate rebate which can be retained to fund future climate change actions Procurement Feasibility study complete Minimal knowledge, needs feasibility Potential…