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Search results for "procurement"

Including the closely related terms procurement process, and procurement processes.

1 result

Aberdeen City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… a carbon budget for the Plan 4 4 Establish a platform for collating, monitoring, and reporting climate data 4 Integrate climate change in our policy, strategy and business cases 4 Strengthen delivery of climate priorities, through procurement processes 4 Integrate sustainability in the Council Capability Framework 4 Develop, launch and maintain a staff green champions network 4 4 4 4 4…

… five themes covering Council assets and operations: Buildings Mobility Other Operations Leadership & Governance Awareness & Behaviour Change Council buildings & Council housing Fleet & staff travel Street lighting, internal waste, nature based action Processes, procurement and decision making Communications, participation and training Operational themes Enabling themes…

… but are still of interest, such as our procurement and some of our internal waste streams. Emissions from Council Housing We have a role to play in putting in place the low carbon infrastructure and advice to improve the energy efficiency and resilience of our Council homes. The Council manages more than 22,000 Council homes, with 52% of our housing stock more than 50 years old. Energy Performance…

…. Waste and recycling collections disrupted – increase in flooding, heavy rainfall & storms. Demands on staff time for post flooding clean-up operations. Increase in tree damage. Longer growing season. Increase in pests, disease and risk of wildfire. Leadership/ finance/ procurement Costs for damage and repair. Emergency response & recovery (flood events). Increased pressure…

… of feasibility studies, assessments and pilots which aim to establish the most cost-effective solutions for any subsequent roll out of further action. In addition, actions including our Zero Emission Fleet Programme are progressing with a number of north and north east partners, to unlock the potential for economies of scale in procurement. 6. Themes 6.1 Buildings Current context Our buildings…


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