Including the closely related term procurement strategy.
… procurement the council undertakes. Climate change will be added to our procurement strategy during its next scheduled update, to ensure that our further activities allow us to adhere to our climate change policy and corporate objectives. Strategy approval date: _/_/2021 Page 17 of 37 v.01 Review date: __ 2024 6.10. Other: Corporate changes Already we have made several internal…
… carbon credit investment options. Climate Change 2030 - 2040 n/a Other Procurement 39. Update the procurement strategy to include emissions reductions/climate change. Procurement 2023 n/a Corporate 40. Review council climate change policy. Climate Change 2023 n/a 12 Potential link to number 27. 13 Cost is dependent on canopy cover requirements, ranging from £10k - £70k. Strategy…
… .......................................................... 15 6.6. Scope 3: Business travel ........................................................................................ 15 6.7. Scope 3: Contractor travel (refuse collection) ........................................................ 16 6.8. Residual Emissions: Tree planting ......................................................................... 16 6.9. Other: Procurement…
… Policy was adopted by full council on 15/10/2020. Strategy approval date: _/_/2021 Page 13 of 37 v.01 Review date: __ 2024 10. We provide routine staff and member updates on climate change work. 11. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, agile working and reduce business miles will help reduce our emissions. 12. King’s Court procurement of sustainable paper for floor printers…
…. Additionally, we are developing a pilot tree planting project, seeking to option grant funding for the planting of trees in the 2021/2022 planting season. We may also need to consider alternative options such as carbon credits or similar schemes to deal with residual emissions. 6.9. Other: Procurement This council is committed to sustainable practices in all areas of our work. This includes…