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Search results for "procurement"

Including the closely related terms procurement decisions, procurement process, and sustainable procurement.

1 result

Peterborough City Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to reduce emissions from the Regional Swimming Pool, currently the Council’s single highest carbon emitting site. Procurement All New Work with the Council’s procurement team to further develop minimum standards to drive forward sustainable procurement decisions. Adapting to climate change All New Initiate a process to identify adaptation opportunities across the Council’s operations…

… to identify mechanisms to improve the sustainability of the council’s procurement process. 7. When normal Mayoral duties resume, a new lease for the Mayoral car will be considered which will include options for an electric or hybrid vehicle. 8. To ascertain and review options to enable the Council to consider switching to a low carbon gas tariff. 9. Begin to implement recommendations from the fleet…

… and seek funding to undertake research to identify potential opportunities to reduce carbon emissions from peat soils. 3rd5. Develop a process for collecting additional emissions data from party organisations including Medesham Homes and Opportunity Peterborough. 6. Develop a process for collecting additional emissions data from purchased materials and work with the Council’s procurement team…

… Offices As part of the Climate Emergency The Council switched to a renewable energy tariff and Street Lighting Declaration a commitment was made to achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full range of functions by 2030. The Council is currently in the process of procuring a new energy tariff and as part of this process will undertake a cost comparison exercise to ascertain…

… with the aim of moving the entire fleet to alternative fuels. An opportunity assessment is underway to ascertain the feasibility of this which suggests it is unlikely that it will be feasible to convert all vehicles at this stage. Currently we have not completed the assessment so full details of the potential savings and associated costs cannot be included here. of procuring a new fleet…


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