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Search results for "procurement"

Including the closely related terms procurement policy, procurement specifications, and procurement specification.

1 result

Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… the generation of sustainable energy into the proposals for the redevelopment of the buildings at Court Hey Park. Investigate the feasibility of off-site sustainable energy projects as a means of offsetting the Council’s own carbon emissions. Undertake a review of the Council’s Procurement Policy to determine whether there is scope to reduce carbon emissions further through procurement e.g. use…

… and eliminate its use where possible through awareness raising, supplier engagement and procurement specifications. Develop a Recycling Guide for schools Develop a Recycling Guide for staff and promote key messages. Review the results of the staff survey on home working to look at the feasibility of increasing the amount of home working under normal conditions following the end of the Covid-19…

… vehicles, maintenance plant and equipment; (4) Reducing carbon emissions from energy and water use in Council buildings; (5) Reducing carbon emissions from waste from Council services; (6) Reducing carbon emissions from staff travel on council business (7) Sustainable energy generation; (8) Reducing carbon emissions through council commissioning and procurement; (9) Reducing carbon…

… emissions from fleet vehicles, maintenance plant and equipment 4. Reducing carbon emissions from energy and water use in Council buildings 5. Reducing carbon emissions from waste from Council services 6. Reducing carbon emissions from staff travel on council business 7. Sustainable energy generation 8. Reducing carbon emissions through commissioning and procurement 9. Reducing carbon emissions…

… Initiatives Officer Head of Information Technology Head of Human Resources Head of Neighbourhood Services/Fleet Operations Manager/ Climate Emergency Officer Climate Emergency Officer Climate Emergency Officer Theme 7 - Sustainable energy generation Theme 8 - Reducing carbon emissions through commissioning and procurement Theme 9 – Reducing carbon emissions through communication…


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