Including 4 closely related terms such as procurement activities, procurement policy, and council procurement.
… activities and school buildings. Medium influence 155 ktCO2e Emissions sources do not relate to council owned or operated assets, but relate to residual procurement activities not deemed ‘stronger’. This may be larger if influence via ‘convening power’ were to be included. Note this assumes all procurement emissions occur within the district boundary. Weaker Influence 2,518 ktCO2e Owners…
…: “Scope 1/2/3” are accounting terms taken from the GHG Protocol accounting standard. Scope 1 emissions primarily relate to natural gas for heating and fuel used by owned or controlled vehicles. Scope 2 relates to purchased electricity, Scope 3 emissions include schools, waste, procurement activities and employee commuting. Commercial estate has not been accounted for within Scope 3 due…
… to limitations in data availability. Influence Banding Footprint Description Direct Control 15 ktCO2e Emissions sources are directly owned or operationally controlled by the Council. Includes all Scope 1 & 2 Stronger influence 40 ktCO2e Owners and operators of emissions sources are clearly defined but are not directly owned or operated by the Council. Emissions include specific council procurement…
… Profile and Pathways Borough-wide action (Council motion part ii) Medium influence This is the most complete account of the CEC, including all Scope 1, 2 and 3 categories. The vast majority (82%) of the total is made up by procurement spend. Figure 7: Total footprint tCO2e by Category and Scope 2018/19: 155,103 tCO2e 2 13 Stronger Influence With the exception of Academy Trusts, schools were…
… Implementation Benefits d. Change in Procurement Policy to incorporate carbon neutral consideration including through social value and increased weighting. Within existing budgets.1 Review current policy and use of social value section Define the carbon performance indicators to be included and how they will be assessed Lead Authority: Procurement. It is estimated that a 5% reduction…