Including 5 closely related terms such as procurement strategy, suitable procurement strategy, and procurement exercise.
… with traceability to renewable assets and eventual additionality. Therefore, establishing a suitable procurement strategy for electricity is a key priority. 2.19 A PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is a long-term agreement between a renewable developer and a consumer for the purchase of energy. PEPPPA - Public Energy Partnership Power Purchase Agreement is a customisable option for PPAs that encourages…
… The main actions for 2021 – 2022 as set out in the Descent Plan include: - • Developing a carbon assessment toolkit/process for all projects/committee reports • Bringing forward plans to reduce carbon emissions within estate and services. • Developing a sustainable procurement strategy including a requirement for all contractors to be carbon neutral by 2030 • Procurement of green energy…
… to quantify and analyse the different types of emissions sources as shown below in figure 1. Figure 1: TWBC 2018/19 tCO2e emissions divided up by scope. 1.16 Most emissions are scope 3 making up 60 per cent of the total and most notable through the councils procured goods and services, with the other scopes comprising approximately 20 per cent each, being natural gas (Scope 1…
… new build generation and is a LASER product. A combined procurement exercise with other public sector bodies to source a PPA. A local authority on its own is usually too small to purchase a PPA by itself. 2.20 The work undertaken to date demonstrates that the Council can achieve its carbon neutral target, but it does require substantial action to be taken quickly. It also recognises…
… approaches the council can take. Carbon audit and emission reductions 1.6 The first element of work following procurement was the appointment of consultants ‘LASER’ a division of KCC’s Commercial Services in February 2020, to conduct an audit of the Council’s own operations, services, and buildings to quantify the existing carbon emissions and identify the level of carbon reduction required…