Including the closely related term future procurement.
… in Action workshops and is included in the Our Climate, Our City training session. Investigate measures to ensure future procurement is carbon neutral. Increase the percentage Additional environmental element social value weighting of 10% being developed and supplier and commissioner toolkits being updated. The additional 10% was recently trialled on two of social value…
…. ● Internal decision making including: Procurement and commissioning; Decision making and reports; Draft staff travel plan by January 2020; Staff training and engagement plan; Capital Strategy section to capture priorities and approach. ● Infrastructure Planning including: Planning and Infrastructure including the Local Plan; Transport including the City Centre Transport Plan, Clean Air Plan…
… developments, job creation in green tech and services, and innovative funding for environmental improvements. Full review of decision making being established and overseen by the Zero Carbon Coordination Group. Policies and processes currently under review include: Procurement and commissioning; Staff and member travel policy; Capital programme approval process; Committee reports…
… with an additional environmental element. Highways tenders. A meeting is also being arranged in early 2020 to discuss shared approaches to zero carbon and procurement which will include Council officers and MCCP partners including representatives from Manchester Foundation Trust, UoM, MMU and City Football Group. Tyndall Centre report on Scope 3 emissions for the city will also inform this work…
… the supply chain. This will reference work to reduce scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Climate change will be a key theme at the Council’s annual procurement event in February 2020 which focuses on social value and community wealth building. An example of recent activity in this area is the Information Communications and Technology (ICT) suppliers session that took place on Tuesday 17 September…