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Carmarthenshire County Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

…, and water, efficiency opportunities in non-domestic buildings including schools. Re:fit Cymru allows the Council to accelerate the roll-out of energy efficiency in a more comprehensive manner and at a greater pace than could be achieved using limited in-house resources. Unlike previous Salix projects, under the Re:fit Cymru programme a service provider is appointed via a national procurement framework

… from its non- domestic buildings by 38% since 2005/06 - from 23,733 tCO2e to 14,822 tCO2e. Actions - Existing buildings • The Council spends in-excess of £4m annually on energy for its non-domestic buildings. The procurement of energy has become increasingly complex with prices volatile and linked to both UK and global factors. In order to minimise risk, the Council procures its energy using…

… Crown Commercial Services Framework Agreements, via the National Procurement Service (NPS), for the vast majority of supplies. All electricity procured via the NPS is from renewable energy sources, with 40% of this being sourced from within Wales in 2018/19. (Note: The consumption of this ‘green’ electricity is reflected in the (decreasing) UK emission conversion factor for electricity…

… and guarantees identified savings as part of an energy performance contract. A £2.5m interest-free loan has been secured from Welsh Government Wales Funding Programme to deliver a Re:fit Cymru (Energy Efficiency) Phase 1 project comprising over thirty buildings which is projected to save an estimated 690 tCO2e every year.

…% of the electricity the Council procures via the NPS is from renewable energy sources. • In April 2015, the Executive Board accepted a tender for an ambitious and innovative programme to install solar PV systems on all the Council’s suitable Housing and non-domestic buildings. This was a no-cost community ‘rent-a-roof’ model with the option for the Council, and local community, to directly invest if desired…


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