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Mole Valley District Council

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… disposal and treatment of waste generated in Council-controlled operations - Emissions resulting from the supply and subsequent treatment of water consumed by the Council’s operations - Emissions associated with the execution of Council-procured goods and services - Emissions from energy consumption in buildings leased to a 3rd party operator S2 S3 S1 S3 S1 S3S3 Diagram: Tree diagram…

… source relates to buildings that are owned by the Council and operated by a 3rd party (leased buildings) • These consist of three buildings: Leatherhead leisure centre (1084 tCO2e); Dorking sports centre (560 tCO2e); Meadowbank football ground (123 tCO2e) • Emissions from procured or purchased goods and services (PG&S) (1,362 tCO2e) is the second largest source of emissions • The Council…

… in an organisations’ supply chain. Above. Emissions scopes according to the GHG protocol 13 Footprint scope for FY 18/19 MVDC Footprint FY 18/19 Non-Council operations Energy consumption from leased buildings Procured goods and services Council operations Building emissions Electricity consumption Gas consumption Waste generation & treatment Water consumption Transportation…

… 2018/19 Carbon Footprint • The total carbon footprint for Mole Valley District Council’s own operations in the FY 2018/19 is equal to 4,162 tCO2e. • The majority of this footprint is attributed to the indirect emissions resulting from leased buildings and procured or purchased goods and services. The Council’s gas consumption for space and water heating in buildings, and electricity…

…, as defined by the GHG protocol Natural Gas Fleet Electricity Water Waste Upstream emissions from Scope 1 & 21 Procured /purchased goods & services Business Travel 4,162 435 419 3,307 118 455 30 13 105 1,365 27 Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3 Total emissions 387 Leased buildings 1,767 Diagram: Breakdown of the council footprint across scopes, and then across emission categories…


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