Including 4 closely related terms such as procurement decisions, future procurement, and procurement specifications.
…, this agenda has been embedded into decision making, policies and practice across the Council, for example the updated Capital Strategy, evaluation within procurement decisions and new staff travel policy. ● Leadership across the city through the work of the Manchester Climate Change Agency and the action plans being developed by partners across the city. External engagement includes with Greater…
… have a major impact on the environment. The action plan commits us to reducing the impact of carbon emissions from our indirect activity. The Council has developed formal evaluation questions for suppliers that will be used in future procurements. An additional 10% climate change weighting will be applied to the scoring framework in addition to the 20% already used for scoring contributions…
… and commission expert consultancy to validate existing views about the pathway to zero carbon heat, inform business case development and procurement specifications. ● Agree the Manchester Build Standard / Standards to be used going forward and embed within decision making processes which include consideration of Net Present Value and Asset Management Plan; Whole Life Costing, Internal Carbon Costing…
… all of our 57,000 street lights with energy efficient LEDs. The project (£32.8m) involves procurement and installation of state-of-the-art, low energy, light emitting diode (LED) street lighting technology and complete in 2020. The Council has worked with Salix Finance to fund this scheme, who provide loans to the public sector to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower…
… of waste fleet vehicles with Electric Vehicles 900 Reductions to the Council’s Fleet through increase in number of Electric Vehicles 400 Reduction in staff travel via car, taxi, air, train 100 Total Estimated Savings 15,820 4.2 Indirect or consumption based emissions The Council also recognises that the products and services that we purchase directly or that our supply chain procure…