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Search results for "procurement"

Including 4 closely related terms such as procurement practices, procurement policy, and procurement policies.

1 result

Bedford Borough Council

Direct link to climate strategy (PDF)

… awareness and assessment of potential impacts will lead to better management and reduction of CO2 emissions (direct/ indirect) Update procurement policy to include carbon and environment considerations within tenders Through procurement strategy, only procure high energy efficient/low carbon technologies/ materials Short term – By 2021 Likely to impact costs of tenders…

… and engage with new initiatives. Action Plan: • Ensure all new starters understand the council’s environmental aims and policies, as part of induction training • Engage staff and encourage action via internal communications and other initiatives • Embed green procurement practices within procurement policy to include carbon considerations within tenders and avoid just outsourcing carbon…

… for the Council to reach Carbon Neutral by 2030: 1. Incorporate the carbon neutral ambition by 2030 into all Council strategies, work plans and policies including Corporate Plan, Local Plan, Procurement Policies, Finance strategies etc. 2. Consider opportunities to increase Green investment 3. To buy 100% renewable electricity through energy contracts 4. Generate renewable energy, at the best…

… the CO2 emissions of the Council, or, if they have benefitted the local community and environment. Priority Area 1: Operational Council Buildings Action Planned Outcome/ Impact Timeframe (Short- Long term) Total estimated cost/ Resource requirement Estimated saving per year / payback/ benefit Estimated CO2 reduction (direct/ indirect) Fuel switching Procurement of green electricity (100…


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