Including the closely related term procurement policy.
… to low carbon transport 3.4. Review purchasing / procurement policy to prioritise sustainability – started January 2020 Financial Services S Not measured May be increased purchase costs Leading in the public sector 7 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Estimated Potential CO2e Saving Estimated Financial Cost Co- benefits Link…
… 1 | P a g e OFFICIAL Rushcliffe Borough Council Carbon Management Plan 2020 Themes: 1. Property Assets; 2. Fleet and Transport; 3. Contracts and Procurement; 4. Policy and Regulation; 5. Waste and Recycling; 6. Operational Activities; 7. Community and Businesses; 8. Offsetting Timescale: I…
… Energy Strategy A3. Contracts and procurement 3.1. Leisure operator contractual obligations. - Build energy targets into the new leisure provider contract and monthly energy use monitoring (supporting time controls, use of pool blankets etc.) Waste and Contracts S Low Potential expense for implementation of monitoring Improving business and industry efficiency 3.2. Build…
… to D2N2 Energy Strategy 3.5. For new council portfolio buildings consider ‘better than building regs’ fabric thermal insulation specification and review works specifications/procurement to avoid high embodied carbon materials or those with high carbon operation or maintenance regimes Property Services L High – up to 30% of heating can be lost through poorly insulated buildings…
… and procurement 3.1. Investigate joint procurement of low carbon technology for Social Housing providers and councils Strategic housing M Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff time only Leading in the public sector B4. Policy and Regulation 4.1. Working collectively to support the delivery of the D2N2 Energy Strategy and develop and deliver…