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Search results for "procurement"

Including the closely related term procurement policy.

1 result

Rushcliffe Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… to low carbon transport 3.4. Review purchasing / procurement policy to prioritise sustainability – started January 2020 Financial Services S Not measured May be increased purchase costs  Leading in the public sector 7 | P a g e OFFICIAL Ref. Action Lead Specialist Timescale Estimated Potential CO2e Saving Estimated Financial Cost Co- benefits Link…

… 1 | P a g e OFFICIAL Rushcliffe Borough Council Carbon Management Plan 2020 Themes: 1. Property Assets; 2. Fleet and Transport; 3. Contracts and Procurement; 4. Policy and Regulation; 5. Waste and Recycling; 6. Operational Activities; 7. Community and Businesses; 8. Offsetting Timescale: I…

… Energy Strategy A3. Contracts and procurement 3.1. Leisure operator contractual obligations. - Build energy targets into the new leisure provider contract and monthly energy use monitoring (supporting time controls, use of pool blankets etc.) Waste and Contracts S Low Potential expense for implementation of monitoring  Improving business and industry efficiency 3.2. Build…

… to D2N2 Energy Strategy 3.5. For new council portfolio buildings consider ‘better than building regs’ fabric thermal insulation specification and review works specifications/procurement to avoid high embodied carbon materials or those with high carbon operation or maintenance regimes Property Services L High – up to 30% of heating can be lost through poorly insulated buildings…

… and procurement 3.1. Investigate joint procurement of low carbon technology for Social Housing providers and councils Strategic housing M Low impact on council emissions but provide potential district savings Staff time only  Leading in the public sector B4. Policy and Regulation 4.1. Working collectively to support the delivery of the D2N2 Energy Strategy and develop and deliver…


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