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Search results for "procurement"

Including the closely related term sustainable procurement.

1 result

North Kesteven District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… is currently pending and will be made available shortly. 20 3. Adaptation Sub-Theme 1: Council Service Delivery Ref Action Net Zero Vision Scale Start Date End Date Cost Division Lead Role Co-owner 3.1.3 Establish a working group to undertake a review of our sustainable procurement approach, including the Council's Social Value Toolkit. Ensure that council

procurement considers sustainability within contracts, to minimise our impacts and maximise opportunities for positive enhancement. NKDC 01/04/2023 30/09/2024 (£) CCS Climate Change Manager Governance and Business Resilience Manager Sub-Theme 2: District Climate Resilience and Emergency Response Ref Action Net Zero Vision Scale Start Date End Date Cost Division Lead Role…


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