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Search results for "planting trees"

Including the closely related term trees.

1 result

Kingston-upon-Hull City Council

Direct link to meeting minutes (PDF)

… and volunteering; culture. The Commission discussed: i. Whether Albion Square was on schedule; if Government grants would be clawed back should the scheme not go ahead; how many trees would be included in the urban park. The Assistant Director, Major Projects, Culture and Place advised the Commission that the scheme was on schedule, but they continued to manage costs pressures and identify…

… potential savings. The Government was likely to want its funding back. He did not have a figure for the number of trees in the urban park, but it would be significant. ii. Where the Matrix project would be located. The Assistant Director, Major Projects, Culture and Place advised the Commission that no decision had been made, and any decision would be subject to the Council’s decision making…


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