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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 4 closely related terms such as new trees, trees, and planting.

1 result

Bracknell Forest Council

Direct link to progress report (HTML)

… will be reported in the next report. Increase and improve the borough's tree cover Description Either plant new trees or replace existing with stocks suited to our climate. Lead officers Charlie McNish. Quarter 3 update - October to December 2021 The Parks and Countryside Service have planted 2,795 trees comprised…

… 3 update - October to December 2022 Planted 1,300 new trees in projects including hedgerows and woodland regeneration. An extra 1,500 trees will be planted in the next month, in projects including restocking of native species and creating trial ‘mini-forests’. Anticipating some challenges relating to unpredictable weather and officer resources…

… of 2,761 whips and 34 large trees across 20 sites including: Larks Hill The Parks Frost Folly highway road verges A further 675 whips are planned for The Parks and Jennetts Hill. Quarter 2 update - July to September 2022 An additional 150 trees were planted at Long Hill and Savernake Park this quarter.  Plans are in place for 420 trees to be planted at Bucklers Forest this winter. Quarter…

… Bucklers Park and Englemere Pond. Clearing the way for the planting of native species more productive and contributing to the local environment. Improve green infrastructure through land management Description Identify deficits and use land management to improve green infrastructure. Lead officers Marlies Boydell…

… of climate change Description Create and enhance more habitats that store carbon and water such as large trees, woodland, meadows and wetlands. Lead officers Marlies Boydell. Indicators linked to monitoring progress Biodiversity Action Plan targets. Baseline measure at the start of the project The Annual Monitoring Review for the Local Plan estimates…


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