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Search results for "planting trees"

Including the closely related term trees.

1 result

Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… contribute towards two or more of these aims. For example, any natural habitats we restore can help to achieve ‘net zero’ by locking up carbon in plants and trees (Aim 1), support nature recovery (Aim 2), and contribute to climate change adaptation by reducing flood risk (Aim 4). Page 6 | Environmental Sustainability & Carbon Reduction Strategy 2022-32 Aim 1: Achieve net zero greenhouse gas…

… (e.g. giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed, and Himalayan balsam) and our native population of ash trees is in decline as a result of the disease Chalara, or ‘ash dieback’. Significant progress has been made in controlling the spread of some invasive species, but this will need to continue - particularly bearing in mind the impact climate change will have on the distribution of both native…

… of domestic waste per household, compared to a national average of 529.3kg per household). So we face a challenge in bringing about a significant increase in household recycling and reducing the amount of waste we generate (although it should be noted that all residual waste from the Borough is directed to the Energy from Waste plant combustion facility at Haverton Hill). Finally, continued action…

… water flows away from urban areas, and increasing tree cover to provide urban shade) • Helping to ensure new developments are located and designed in ways that will enable people, homes and infrastructure to cope with the likely impacts of climate change, including extreme weather events and the predicted rise in sea level • Developing sustainable drainage systems to store surface water run-off…


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