Including 5 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and tree planting.
… in the city 3 1 Annex Bii Climate Change Action Plan York Community Woodland - New 78 hectare community woodland providing outdoor leisure opportunities, areas for physical activity, walking and cycling, new educational opportunities and biodiversity. Consisting of over 210,000 trees and sequestering 29,000 tonnes of carbon over its lifetime 3 3 Green streets - plant trees…
…, woodland or hedgerows on council-owned land (where appropriate) including strategic land and along grass verges or highways 1 2 Tree Canopy Expansion - Set an ambition for increasing York's tree canopy cover from 10.76% to 13% by 2050, equating to around 22-27 ha per annum. This target would result in an annual carbon sequestration rate at 2050 of circa 9,000tCO2 per year 1 2 Urban…
… Tree Planting - Opportunity mapping to assess urban and rural areas of the city which could be converted to small-scale woodland or are available for tree planting 1 2 Tree Giveaway - 500 households across the city each season 1 1 Ensure tree cover is considered for all new developments through the new Local Plan and explore incentives for developers to retain trees to achieve…
… the 13% city-wide tree canopy target 1 1 Castle Mills - Riverside Park and new pedestrian riverside bridge, increasing biodiversity and active travel 1 3 Engage with community groups (e.g. friends of parks groups) and schools to carry out tree planting 1 1 Prioritise tree planting initiatives in more deprived and less green wards of the city, where the opportunities…
… be designated, protected and enhanced as green space for biodiversity net gain. 2 2 Green & Blue infrastructure strategy - Assess the carbon sequestration potential of current council land and identify opportunities to increase sequestration, looking into different natural carbon capture options 3 1 Develop a long-term strategy to protect and manage existing urban trees and woodland…