Including 6 closely related terms such as tree planting, further tree planting, and trees.
… focusing on protecting our natural environment for future generations. We will support, develop and empower community activity to increase nature conservation projects, develop further tree planting and rewilding schemes and deliver a new biodiversity action plan through the biodiversity partnership. We will also implement planning guidance to enhance biodiversity in new developments. A number…
… practices that mitigate and minimise the impacts of climate change, including tree planting, carbon capture drainage schemes and promotion of active travel Programme Director, Corporate and Communities April 2022 April 2023 3.9 Establish a cross directorate Council working group to ensure early oversight of projects and proposals that provide either opportunity or risk to delivery of biodiversity…
… and maintenance of existing water bodies and seek opportunities to create new wetland areas in conjunction with sustainable urban drainage schemes. Corporate Head of Contracts 2022 2030 3.12 Protect habitats by establishing a Kingston Biodiversity Partnership who willsupport the development and delivery of a Biodiversity Action Plan. Corporate Head of Contracts 2022 2025 3.13 Adopt a new Tree Strategy…
…. This will include (but is not limited to) the commitment to continue to plant and maintain an additional 500 trees per year. Focus will be on using suitable species to maximise chance of survival, reduce water runoff and Corporate Head of Contracts April 2023 April 2023 Page 23 | 44 support local biodiversity. Report on performance will be completed annually 3.14 Develop and implement conservation…
… of Regeneration & Economic Recovery 2022 March 2025 1.2 Explore options to invest in a low carbon local district heating network supplyingeffluent sourced waste water heat from the Hogsmill water treatment plant. Assistant Director of Regeneration & Economic Recovery 2022 March 2025 1.3 Develop an energy strategy and masterplan for the borough focusing onincreasing renewable and low carbon energy…