Including 7 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and planting trees.
… such as tree planting will be necessary, while also supporting the quality and range of biodiversity and implementing natural flood risk measures. The Council will need to determine its approach to this prioritisation within its land assets. 1.8 The Council recognises it has a contribution to make towards the ‘Team Wales’ target3 of a net zero public sector and therefore will use the learnings from…
… be eliminated. Due to this, the carbon that cannot be removed must be compensated for through generation of renewable energy and carbon offsetting by, for example, tree planting. By generating renewable energy that is then utilised by the Council, we can reduce emissions associated with using energy from the grid. 5.5 The scale and scope of this strategy is informed by a number of key constraints…
…. - Development of a 15 year Urban Tree and Woodland Plan with the target of achieving 18% urban canopy cover by 2033. Objectives of the plan are to increase the amount of tree planting by specifically targeting urban areas with low canopy cover, ensuring existing canopy cover is managed sustainably, promoting biodiversity and working in partnership. The Council has been working with Community Groups…
…, Natural Resources Wales and schools - planting trees in education and public land. - Publishing of our “Supporting nature in Flintshire” biodiversity duty plan and are working to support biodiversity protection and improvement in Flintshire. - Working with hundreds of businesses, volunteers, charities, schools and other organisations, across the region of North Wales, Shropshire and Cheshire…
… of energy generated from these sources - Undertake a study identifying land for habitat restoration and tree planting schemes within land assets to mitigate climate change and enhance biodiversity - Audit the amount of herbicide and pesticide use on Council land assets - Increase proportion of Council land managed for biodiversity - Support the increase of tree canopy cover across the county in line…