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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 6 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and robust tree planting.

1 result

Eastleigh Borough Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… programme including maintenance regime for tree stock across the Borough. A robust tree planting programme will support habitat creation and offsetting. By March 2020. 5 Ecology Trees Exploring the development of locally grown trees and plant stock with consideration of a peat free Council tree and plant stock nursery. Early planting of trees reducing the cost and carbon footprint…

… of planning applications as a condition of approval. To assess the impact of adopted mitigation measures on biodiversity through independent monitoring. Review to be completed by March 2020. 4 Ecology Trees Develop a strategy to ensure that there is effective protection of existing trees through the use of Tree Protection Orders (TPO) and effective enforcement, tree planting/replacement…

… 2020. 28 Planning Supplementary Planning Policies Developing Council supplementary planning documents relating to biodiversity and environment net gain, efficiency of development sites, climate adaptation and strengthening the Council’s position on tree replacement planting including numbers, species and sizes of trees Policies will support Environmental and Climate mitigation…

… importing mature trees to improve coverage across the borough. Business case developed by September 2020. 6 Ecology Wildflowers Introduce more wildflower areas across the borough, including mixture of ornamental and native wildflowers and areas which are left with minimal maintenance to increase bio-diversity. Reduction in operational emissions and increased areas for bio diversity. Plan…


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