Including 6 closely related terms such as tree planting, further tree planting, and trees.
… centres on reducing carbon emissions in Kingston. However, we are committed to delivering against both the climate emergency and the ecological emergency. It is important to have a theme focusing on protecting our natural environment for future generations. We will support and develop community activity to increase nature conservation projects, develop further tree planting and rewilding schemes…
… and deliver a new biodiversity action plan through the biodiversity partnership. We will also implement planning guidance to enhance biodiversity in new developments. Since the declaration we have: ● Employed a biodiversity officer for Kingston, and set up our biodiversity partnership ● Re-commissioned our green spaces contracts with a focus on tackling the climate emergency ● Planted almost 1500 new…
… trees. We will be planting a further 500 trees between November 2021 and March 2022 ● Piloted the Wildways Strategy, an adapted mowing regime on highways verges across the borough to secure biodiversity and climate outcomes ● Reviewed the borough’s Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation and identified 6 more for adoption ● Trialled a reduction in the use of chemicals to control weeds Measuring…
… buildings Our estate is our biggest direct source of emissions, through the energy we draw from the grid, combustion of fossil fuel to provide heat and through maintenance activities. Our core estate produces the equivalent of a kilogram of CO2 every 2.5 seconds of the working day, and would take some 150,000 trees to offset. Our approach to decarbonising our estate is by reducing consumption first…
… visits from social care staff are included), housing-related vehicles and vehicles for grounds and tree maintenance. There is no available data for Waste Collection Fleet Fossil Fuel use in 2017/18, however data will be available from 2019/20. SCOPE 2 - Carbon that is emitted from electricity usage in council buildings and street lighting i.e. 6,779.53 tCO2e Kingston’s Council’s Scope 2 emissions…