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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 4 closely related terms such as tree planting, tree planting, and tree planting.

1 result

Selby District Council

Direct link to action plan (DOCX)

… six workstreams we will aim to reduce our Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions to zero. Emissions that we cannot control or which we cannot reduce any further will be offset through tree planting or other approved offsetting schemes. Scope 3 emissions will be reduced by working with contracted partners e.g. Urbaser for the waste and street scene contracts and IHL for the leisure contract. A number…

… to expert advice and a range of funding sources to develop and implement a strategic tree planting programme for the district. In the next 12 months we will be working with them to engage with landowners and community groups to identify opportunities for large scale tree planting on suitable land. · Contacted Town and Parish Councils to understand and promote community led tree planting opportunities…

…. · We worked with the Escrick Park Estate after their successful bid to become a national pilot for Biodiversity Offsetting. There are a range of other things that can be explored including:[footnoteRef:17] [17: Subject to assessing deliverability before local government reorganisation is implemented in 2023] · Develop a Fund and Grant Scheme for resident, community and larger scale tree planting

… initiatives in the district and appoint a delivery partner to oversee delivery · Use tree planting schemes, preferably in the district (but could be wider), to offset the remainder of the Council’s carbon footprint · Re-wilding kerbsides and increasing wildflower cover – NYCC are trialling different highway verge management regimes to increase biodiversity · Work with landowners to increase hedgerows…

…. If we continue business as usual, we risk pushing climate systems to a point of no return, when tipping points are reached positive feedback loops in the Earth system will exponentially increase the concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere through tree death, desertification, warming oceans and thawing of glaciers and permafrost. If this happens, we risk creating a planet that is uninhabitable…


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