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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 8 closely related terms such as tree planting, more trees, and trees.

1 result

Braintree District Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… projects, urban tree planting projects and support for the Essex Forest project and Essex Forest schools Education, engagement and encouraging behavioural change • Within our offices, stopped use of 22,000 single use plastic cups per year and reduced paper consumption. • Provided educational talks to schools on waste and recycling • Delivered • ‘Shop local’ and ‘click…

… a good place to live. Developing, protecting and enhancing green infrastructure and the natural environment will also help protect urban and rural environments against the impacts of climate change. Amongst other things, it will help improve surface drainage, reducing flood risk, storing and cleaning water and reducing the urban heat island effect. By planting more trees and increasing canopy…

… creation and improvements to increase biodiversity in BDC woodlands and local nature reserves and open spaces– Hoppit Mead, Bocking Blackwater, Cuckoo Wood, Coggeshall Pieces and Halstead River Walk • Continuous tree, bulb and hedge planting across the District, including the Millennium and Jubilee Oaks projects, Bee Friendly Plant Giveaway, community tree planting

… measures and those who have schemes and projects that provide an offsetting opportunity. This could also help develop new low-carbon income streams for carbon positive rural businesses that can offer surplus carbon credits generated from carbon sequestration* (e.g. following tree planting or land use activities) whilst also assisting local firms with unavoidable emissions to achieve net zero…

… of the Environment Bill 2020, including any around Biodiversity Net Gain. IMPROVE WATER QUALITY, FLOOD RESILIENCE AND HABITAT INCREASE TREE AND SHRUB PLANTING IMPROVE BIODIVERSITY AND GREEN SPACES IMPROVE AIR QUALITY C L I M A T E C H A N G E S T R A T E G Y 1 9 Adapting to Climate Change Priorities Whilst the majority of our Climate Change Strategy focusses on mitigating our…


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