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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 5 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and tree planting.

1 result

Angus Council

Direct link to action plan (PDF)

… Arbroath Flood Protection Scheme, a national priority under the Flood Risk Management Strategy. In addition to this the council has also engaged in Partnership work in the Cairngorms National Park Authority that has delivered natural flood management projects, large scale riparian tree planting schemes and peatland restoration. Angus has also demonstrated progress in promoting active, healthier…

trees and peatland increase water infiltration into the soil, slowing the flow of water and helping to reduce flood risks downstream. Studies have shown that targeted tree planting in upper catchment areas can reduce peak flood flows by up to 40%35A. In addition to flood management, woodlands and peatlands are also excellent carbon sinks, absorbing significant amounts of carbon dioxide…

… that no emissions are released, but rather that any amount that is released is balanced with the amount absorbed by the atmosphere. Carbon emissions can be captured by natural means, for example trees and peatland, as well as through human intervention for example carbon capture and storage. http…

… of residual waste at a waste to energy plant in Dundee, diverting waste away from landfills and reducing carbon emissions by 74% in 2018 in comparison to the previous year16. Angus Council has also been taking steps to increase the resilience of the region to the impacts of climate change. Together with the Scottish Government, the council has secured funding to deliver the multimillion-pound…


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