Including 5 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and tree planting.
… travel through use of Zoom and similar technologies as much as possible Reduce staff commuting through home working as much as practical Explore opportunities around low-emission refuse freighters Explore the creation of a 5-Year Plan to reduce emissions from the waste fleet Offsetting Quantify how much land we would need to plant trees on to offset 5% of the Council’s 2019/20 carbon…
… emissions, and work towards this goal as is feasible, both as area planting and single specimen planting Seek to retain and preserve scrub and woodland edges to protect trees and maintain natural boundaries to woodlands Where appropriate, change grass verge cutting regimes to allow more plant species to grow Create more wildflower areas across the district Seek to strengthen hedgerows…
… and support community tree planting initiatives Explore opportunities for Solar schemes for residents, businesses, and community groups – such as those run by West Suffolk Council and South Cambridgeshire Council NHDC CLIMATE CHANGE STRATEGY 2021-2026 PAGE 17 TAXI Enable residents to assess their carbon emissions, comparing them with the district and best practice Encourage…
… programmes and continue to support community plastic free initiatives Explore opportunities for certification/ awards for Green/Sustainable businesses Explore the possibility of tree planting awards Consult with the public to identify further means by which the Council can assist the residents and businesses of North Herts to achieve the target of zero emissions across the district…