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Search results for "planting trees"

Including 5 closely related terms such as tree planting, trees, and tree planting.

1 result

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority

Direct link to pre-plan (PDF)

… on Climate Executive Summary our surveys of public opinion clearly showed the priority that local people attach to the natural world. Nature recovery programmes, including tree planting and wetland creation/restoration have an important role to play in helping to address the impact of climate change and engaging communities and businesses. the CPCA has an opportunity to accelerate the doubling nature…

… production, improve access to good quality local food sources and improve health; Investing in nature, including increasing biodiversity and green space, will take CO2 out of the atmosphere as trees and plants grow, will help reduce heat in our urban areas, provide shade to our buildings, reduce risks of �ooding and improve physical and mental wellbeing. The CPCA area has been growing fast, and has…

… on existing activities, including a consistent approach to waste management across the region. There should be targets, across the CPCA area, for at least a 37% reduction in residual waste by 2030 and for recycling of household waste at 65% by 2030. Preparations need to be made now for the separate collection of recyclable and compostable materials. New EfW plants should only go ahead with public…

… agreement, and on the basis that the economic case stands up in the light of ambitious targets for waste reduction, resource e�ciency and recycling, and with the requirement for CCS to be �tted from the outset. Existing EfW waste plant should be retro�tted with CCS by 2035. Nature Waste: Bene�ts from these actions If we take these actions, we can put ourselves on track to play our part in meeting…


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