Including 6 closely related terms such as tree planting, planting plan, and trees.
… and maturity of tree stock and location Informed tree planting plans Tree warden scheme that will engage local people while supporting the overarching aim 7.2 Support land based community projects Publish community - based gardens guidance Local people grow their own food and community cohesion improves. Health and wellbeing improves, through healthier eating. Awareness of food production…
…. The Chilmington Management Organisation has identified the following projects; a carbon neutral secondary school, planting 6666 trees is underway through the successful urban tree challenge, a cycleway linking to Victoria Park is being scoped, Electronic Vehicle charging points will be integral to development. 3.3 Priority 3 - Reduce reliance on fossil fuels for energy generation by increasing renewable…
… ecological, social and economic benefits are realised holistically 1. Tree numbers and species information 2. % increase in area (m2) managed for wildlife / biodiversity 3. Number of trees planted 4. Number of trees felled 5. Total C02 sequestered Proactively manage ABC tree stock, which will inform future tree management and maintenance programmes Understanding of tree numbers, species…
… of pollutants in local water courses Work with land based industries and relevant agencies to implement sustainable land management practices What we’ve been doing: The management plan for Queen Mothers Park is in progress together with developing guidance for community gardens. A successful bid to the Urban Tree Challenge will result in 6666 trees being planted at Chilmington, with planting work…
… doing: Our website and social media channels are regularly updated with environmental information. We have run features on our dedicated web page, Facebook and Instagram covering issues such as food waste, saving water, recycling, including specific campaigns for Christmas and Easter, alongside linking to other wider campaigns such as Plant Britain and Kent Plan Bee. A Green Agenda Facebook…